Matriark Foods

Current certification period
Pasta Sauces: 9/22 - 8/23
LM & UVBC: 2/23 - 1/24
VHS: 4/23 - 3/24

Matriark Foods emissions per product:

  • Gentle Marinara 0.60 kg CO2e/18oz carton*
  • Tomato Basil 0.60 kg CO2e/18oz carton*
  • Spicy Arrabbiata 0.60 kg CO2e/18oz carton*
  • Passata 5.63 kg CO2e/20lb aseptic bag**
  • Liquid Mirepoix 1.39 kg CO2e/20lb aseptic bag**
  • Upcycled Vegetable Broth Concentrate 0.91 kg CO2e/18oz carton*
  • Vegetable Harvest Stew 0.46 kg CO2e/18oz carton*
*Scope: cradle-to-grave
**Scope: cradle-to-gate

Matriark Foods has already taken the following climate actions:

  • Using 100% upcycled tomatoes instead of conventional tomatoes
  • B2C: Using Tetra Pak cartons instead of glass jars
  • B2B: Using Aseptic bags instead of #10 cans
  • Keeping tomato supply chain within 200 miles of production

Matriark Foods has made the following commitments to climate action:

  • Communicate climate benefits of upcycled vegetables to consumers by 2022
  • Work with the state of NY to create fully circular products for food banks by 2023

Matriark Foods offsets its footprint using verified carbon credits that meet Planet FWD offset standards:

  • Tradewater collects and destroys greenhouse gas sources, primarily through the destruction of old refrigerants